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seasonal swings中文是什么意思

用"seasonal swings"造句"seasonal swings"怎么读"seasonal swings" in a sentence


  • 季节变动


  • Such an agreement would need to achieve four things : fix a realistic new overall ceiling on opec ' s annual production ( which means 16 million barrels a day or less ) ; be sufficiently flexible to allow output to adjust to the sharp seasonal swings in world oil demand ; see that individual countries ' production quotas are both observed and effectively policed and look like lasting whatever happens to non - opec output
    这样一个协议应当解决四个方面的问题:一是,从总体上为欧佩克制定一个新的、切实的年度产量上限(意味着每天1600万桶或更少) ;二是,在世界石油需求季节性剧烈波动面前给予充分的灵活性,允许对产量进行调整;三是,确保每个国家均按照配额生产并且得到有效的监控;四是,不论非欧佩克成员国的石油输出如何变化,恒守自己的原则。
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